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July 26, 2011

Beach Ball Ideas

Welcome to day two of beach party ideas.  Today I thought I would focus on the beach ball.  I have seen so many fun things related to the beach ball.  The great thing is using them to deocrate is inexpensive.  First off, a beach ball fruit tray made with a sugar cookie base...yummy!

Beach Ball Lights

Beach ball pillows

beach ball pinata

beach ball toss game

These are a few fun things you can do with beach balls, and of course just having them all around in the pool or play area.  They will get played with.  Their colors are just so vibrant and fun. How have you used beach balls?  I would love to hear more ideas. 

July 25, 2011

Beach Party Ideas

Well, after spending last week in San Luis Obispo and getting in some serious beach time, I thought I would share some beach party ideas I have found. 

Guumy sharks in Jello...fun!

I love the design your own sailor hats.

There are so many fun ideas for a beach party.  Tomorrow, I will share some fun ideas all related to the tried and true beach ball!

July 20, 2011

Enjoying life...

I know I have been absent, but this is what we are up to.  Spending a little quality time at the beach.  I'll be back next week all refreshed.  Happy summer!

July 05, 2011

Summer Smoothies

I know that I have mentioned this before, but I love summertime.  The warm weather, lazy days, play time with my boy and the yummy fresh fruit available.  We are very fortunate where we live because we have a huge vairety of fresh fruit and veggies from local farmers available during the summer (and year-round).  My favorite is all of the berry choices and with all of these berries, we love to make smoothies.  Here are the ingredients of our summer favorite around here:

Well, the banana is not local but the strawberries and blueberries are.  My son is very picky, so I sneak veggies in when I can.  Pureed veggies work great.  It would be fun to have a make your own smoothie playdate/party with kids.  Hmmm, maybe I should get on that.

July 01, 2011

Denim as decor

Well, happy Canada Day to those in Canada and happy Friday to others!  Where did this week go?  I am looking forward to a long weekend here (3-day for most in the U.S.)  Today we are off to the zoo and the rest fo the weekend will be spent in the pool, it's supposed to be 100+ degrees for the next few days.  In the meantime, I though I would share some fun decorating uses with denim.  First off a cupcake stand:

A placemat

I love the simplicity of tying silverware with denim in this pic:

So many fun ideas and denim can be incorporated into so many themes.  Have a great weekend my friends!